


Bluchip is a NFT CEX trading platform for pro-traders.
 Bluchip official
Bluchip’s Features:
Shifting public perspective towards NFTs as an attractive investmnet assets.
Like Beeple's, the 10k collection of generative PFP NFTs, rather than being 1/1 digital art, have a more substantial nature as an investment asset than a simple art/collectible. Bluchip will achieve the mass adoption of NFTs that everyone desires by shifting the perspective of viewing NFTs from art to investment assets.
Transforming NFT trading from a supplier-centered service on traditional NFT marketplaces to a demand-centered service.
Traditional NFT trading platforms like Opensea are supplier-centered services with creator fees, complex purchase processes, and UI/UX that make purchasing difficult. Bluchip innovates the market by turning NFT trading into a demand-centered service with features such as chart views for demanders, various order types, real-time order books and NFT portfolios, and investor protection through a 24-hour customer center.
Achieving NFT mass adoption by easing entry barriers.
It introduces an intuitive and convenient interface that surpasses the understanding of NFTs and replaces complex wallet creation and token swap processes to ease entry barriers for NFT beginners.
Reducing excessive fees to 1/10.
Bluchip presents centralized trading as a solution to risks caused by the deficiency in the ecosystem and the high gas fees of decentralized transactions. It also allows users to pay the Creator Fee in option and reduces excessive fees compared to most of the NFT marketplaces’.